August 12, 2009
Can You Go The Distance For Animals?
Run or walk in honour of someone you love or simply give something back to your community by making a pledge.Remember that every dollar you help raise helps to make a difference in our community.Thanks to generous sponsors of this event, 100% OF PLEDGES COLLECTED GO DIRECTLY TO THE CHARITIES INVOLVED. As well, charities will be eligible for cash rewards based on participation of runners, walkers & volunteers. If you choose not to run or walk, think about volunteering on behalf of Jazzpurr Society.
**Jazzpurr Society for Animal Protection**
Canadian Mental Health Association
Special Olympics Windsor
Community Living
Children's Aide Foundation
Katelyn Bedard Bone Marrow Association
Windsor Celiac Foundation
Teen Health Centre
Transition to Betterness
Sandwich Teen Action Group
Autism Services Incorporated
For general information about the event and pledge sheets, go online to or contact Bill at 519-258-7824 or email [email protected].
For more information about participating or volunteering specifically for Jazzpurr Society, call Julia at 519-258-9299 or email [email protected].
Host: Jazzpurr Society for Animal Protection
Start Time: Sunday, 20 September 2009 at 21:00
End Time: Monday, 21 September 2009 at 00:30
Location: Chrysler Building
Street: 1 Riverside Drive & Ouellette Avenue
Town/City: Windsor, ON
Phone: 5192589299
Email: [email protected]
May 11, 2007
Woman crossing country to keep animals alive
Feels no healthy animal should be euthanized
by: Julie Collins, The Cape Breton Post
NORTH SYDNEY — Michelle Jameus headed out on Highway 125 outside of North Sydney Monday with the promise of double-digit temperatures and sunshine as she began the second leg of her cross-Canada marathon.
Jameus, who is carrying her belongings in a backpack (including a tent) has been averaging 26 miles a day following the Trans-Canada Highway, from St. John’s, N.L., on her way to Vancouver, B.C., to increase awareness and support from all Canadians to convert Canada to a ‘No Kill’ country.
Being self-employed, Jameus was able to take six months off work to complete her cross Canada marathon.
“I’m so happy to make it to Nova Scotia,” Jameus said. “Newfoundland was spectacular but the weather sometimes made the going difficult. In the mornings I could see the snow on the ground and the moisture on the tent. There would still be flurries and it was always cold and damp. I had to talk myself out of my warm sleeping bag and kick myself to get moving.”
Her goal is to help put an end to the killing of healthy cats and dogs.
“Healthy animals should not be killed for any reason, yet every year thousands of healthy animals are euthanised,” she said. “An alternative method to help control the population is through spaying and neutering. In supporting Let Live Canada we are helping protect animals who shouldn’t be killed for any reason. We have a moral responsibility to no longer accept the killing of healthy animals.”
Visit for further information on Let Live Canada regarding the No Kill Canada Marathon.
“I’ve met some wonderful people along the way who have given me lodging in bad weather. Many people have signed my flag,” she said. “Anyone who wishes to donate can do so by logging on to Let Live Canada.”
Jeamus is hoping to be in Vancouver by mid-October.
May 7, 2007
No-kill movement
Firepaw Animal Issues: May 3, 2007
Below are some great links with information about the No-kill Movement which Jazzpurr Society and Let Live Canada are working very hard towards here in Canada.
The No Kill Equation
Declaration of the No Kill Movement in the United States
Reforming Animal Control
Building a No Kill Solution
No Kill Advocacy Center
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Pet pals ought to be available to anyone
Letter to Editor: Windsor Star
There is no question that today, in Windsor and Essex County, properly caring for a companion animal is expensive. A simple spay or neuter visit can cost up to $400 (January 2007 survey). Normal medical costs can be prohibitive.
Many people assert that those who cannot afford it, should not adopt. We disagree.
The evidence that living with a companion animal is both physically and psychologically beneficial is irrefutable. Should it be available only to the financially comfortable? No. Conversely, should all animals that cannot be placed into middle- or upper-class homes be killed? No.
Not only should low-income families continue to enjoy such companionship, but we should assist them as we do with many other components of modern life. Are there people who for psychological reasons should not adopt? Indeed, but that is seldom income-related. At Jazzpurr, we have trained many Ontario Works clients who, although struggling financially, are ideal animal care-givers.
The solution that has worked in thousands of communities is access to a free or low-cost veterinary clinic -- especially a spay or neuter clinic -- for the animals of people who cannot afford regular veterinary care. Wherever these exist, the problem of abandoned animals is solved within a few years. Moreover, the veterinary community thrives in such locations.
"Old" tactics have been proven to be totally useless:
Licensing does absolutely no good. There is not enough room here to list all the downsides and resulting damage.
"Catch-and-kill" (which often accompanies licensing) does absolutely no good. The ecological vacuum is quickly filled with more fertile animals.
Banning the feeding of stray or feral cats is also useless. You might as well ban rain on Sundays.
Building more shelters does no good. Of course, we should provide sanctuary for all animals, but to assume that there will be more adoptive spaces in Windsor-Essex County in the predictable future is unrealistic. There will not. So what happens to the extra animals being sheltered?
The only thing that has ever worked anywhere is universal access to spaying and neutering. In the case of outside strays, a well-managed trap-neuter-return (TNR) program is also necessary. To this end, Jazzpurr Society for Animal Protection is dedicated to providing a free spay-neuter service for the animals (companion and feral) being cared for by residents who cannot afford regular veterinary care.
We invite the community to help us in achieving this most important and humane preventive goal. It has happened in thousands of communities. It's time we do it here. Prevention is the only solution. By helping the people who need help, we will solve the problem. It will only cost about $250,000 a year to provide this service. The problem will be solved in less than four years. Please, help us do it.
Jazzpurr Society
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Circus Ban
Dorit Girash made a presentation to Windsor City Council in March 2005 to ban circuses from performing in Windsor. Her full presentation can be downloaded here.
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Windsor City Budget
Dorit Girash made a presentation to Windsor City Council in March 2004 regarding the Windsor City Budget. Her full presentation can be downloaded here. (You forward the presentation by clicking your mouse and you can stop it at anytime by pressing the esc key)
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Residents Can Continue to Feed Birds
Dorit Girash made a presentation to Windsor City Council on February 9, 2004 in response to a proposal (stimulated by a resident's feud with a neighbour) to prohibit the feeding of all birds within the City of Windsor. Luckily for all those of us that do feed birds, this item was not approved by council. Dorit's full presentation can be downloaded here. (You forward the presentation by clicking your mouse and you can stop it at anytime by pressing the esc key)
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Request to Change Windsor Dog By-law
Dorit Girash made a presentation to Windsor City Council on February 2, 2004 regarding a change to the Windsor By-law to allow residents to have more then two dogs. Jazzpurr supported the change, but suggested that all additional dogs should be adopted from reputable shelters that employ ethical adoption standards. Her full presentation can be downloaded here. (You forward the presentation by clicking your mouse and you can stop it at anytime by pressing the esc key)
City of Windsor Endorses Guardianship
February 2, 2004: In the midst of Dorit Girash's presentation to Windsor City Council requesting an amendment to the language in the dog control by-law, mayor Eddie Francis interrupted her to state that he had just conferred with the City Solicitor and they agreed to change the language of "ownership" to "guardianship". Congratulations, City of Windsor! This is another significant step in preventing animal abuse and abandonment and in validating the love we have for our companion animals. You can download the full presentation here. (You forward the presentation by clicking your mouse and you can stop it at anytime by pressing the esc key)
May 2003
The Proposed West Side Pilot Project
Jazzpurr's Response to the Proposed Westside Pilot Study
a. Presentation to City Council
b. Response to Pilot Project
c. Problems with the Pilot Project
The Proposed Westside Pilot Program
No-Kill Committee's Recommendations